Truly this is humanity’s last stand: we can let the endless growth machine and its accompanying systems of oppressions choke the planet and kill one another, or we can rise up to support locally-waged struggles for justice linked with defending humanity. We need an ANTHROPOLITICS more than ever.
Mark Schuller
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Book Reviews

Humanity’s Last Stand illustrates how we are living in a moment of great turmoil and great possibilities for transformation. This is a timely text for activists and scholars committed to collective liberation. Dr. Schuller not only makes it clear that we are all connected, he makes a compelling case for us all to center the environment, and land, as stewards — not owners.
Charlene A. Carruthers, author of Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements
Mark Schuller’s approach to the convergent crises pushing us toward human catastrophe and planetary disaster should be taken to heart. With admirable conviction and commitment to radical empathy and pragmatic solidarity, he makes a bold argument for a publicly-engaged anthropological imagination that contributes a holistic understanding of and concrete solutions to urgent global crises.
Faye V. Harrison, author of Outsider Within: Reworking Anthropology in the Global Age
Mark Schuller takes anthropology to the public with critical insights on the historical and contemporary that expose the catastrophic social realities of global racial capitalism. He implores the willing to forge futures where differences matter and praxis of solidarity are intentionally quotidian. Humanity’s Last Stand is a pivotal ecological intervention for these times of crisis.
Gina Athena Ulysse, author of Because When God is Too Busy: Haiti, me & THE WORLD
Humanity’s Last Stand is an electrifying work that dissects a range of interconnected problems—climate change, ultra-right nationalism, and global inequality—and proposes concrete steps to avert total catastrophe. This highly readable book is prescient, if not premonitory. It is essential reading for anyone interested in our species’ long-term survival. Anthropology at its finest!”
RobertoJ. González, author of Connected: How a Mexican Village Created Its Own Cell Phone Network
Schuller’s brilliant book is critical reading for all of us who work to envision, and bring into being, a socially and ecologically just world. Grounded in a politics of solidarity built through the understanding of, and dismantling of privilege, he mobilizes a new vision for what an ‘anthropological imagination’ can afford us in terms of activist practice and radical empathy.”
Paige West, editor of From Reciprocity to Relationality: Anthropological Possibilities
An urgent and much-needed contribution to our world in crisis. Schuller lays out crucial groundwork for how an anthropological reimagining of global social, political, and economic relationships can save us from ourselves. In clear prose, he shows the public how anthropology can be deployed as a way to create more empathy in these troubling times.
Jason De León, executive director of the Undocumented Migration Project, author of The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail